Photograpy Changed everything
Photography and Graphic Design
Photography began around 1826 when French tinker, JOSEPH NIEPCE placed a sheet of pewter coated with a light sensitive material inside his camera obscura. He called it "FIXING LIGHT"

Photography enabled:

-New way of documentation
-Memories were shaped by these visual moments
-In 19th century B&W half tone printing plates turned printing into a medium of MASS COMMUNICATION.
-By 1900 full colour work was printed in NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES portraying - war, fashion, heroes...
-Photographed models became reference point of self image
-"Celebrity" changed from verbal to visual phenomenum.
-relieved art from documentary task and became more experimental - CUBISM, ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM.
- Comparative analysis of photographic documentation enabled scientists to study everything (proved horse lifts of the ground all four legs at the same time when running)
Industry Research
By Renate Vilumovska
NIEPCE Joseph Nicephore (March, 7, 1765, Chalon-sur-Saone, France — July, 5, 1833, ibidem) was a French inventor, and one of the creators of photography. He was the first to find a way to fix an image produced by a camera obscura (around 1820s) using bitumen cutback as the photosensitive substance (heliography). He cooperated with L.Daguerre since 1829.
First permanent photograph - Heliograph (helios from greek sun) by Niepce 1826
Is photography ART?